More Fallout from Shane Pinto Suspension, and Punishment Heading the Senators Way from a 2022 Trade

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Sportsnet: Elliotte Friedman on Saturday Headlines on some fallout from the Shane Pinto ‘gambling’ suspension, and the Ottawa Senators will be getting punished for not providing all information in a 2022 trade.

** transcription

David Amber: “As the Calgary Flames are on the ice practicing, a big news week and no story bigger than Shane Pinto. The 41-game suspension, tied for the fourth-longest suspension in NHL history. Elliott, what can you tell us about that situation?

Friedman: “All right. Well, first of all, Shane Pinto is from Long Island where the Senators were on Thursday and on Wednesday night, he did meet with at least some of the Senators players.

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Now, obviously, everybody’s been very careful with what was said here, but I’m sure there was at least an explanation of what had happened and just an attempt for everybody to understand, you know, what had occurred and I assume an apology but nobody has confirmed that one way or the other.

Now, the other thing that’s happened, there’s are a lot of players who wager legally and they were wondering, calling around and saying ‘what exactly has happened here.’ What do I have to know? The players know they can’t wager on NHL games.

And I want to make one thing very clear. I’m not saying that Shane Pinto is guilty of any of this stuff. We’re still determining that but these are the kinds of things players are being warned about.

Don’t share your account. Don’t place bets with third parties. If you do a prop bet it’ll be treated the same as betting on a hockey game. Don’t joke about odds with friends. That, if a friend texts you and says, ‘You’re plus 300 to score tonight,’ tell him not to do stuff like that. Don’t share insight or injury information and don’t bet illegally, like with a bookmaker or something.

So these are all the things the players are kind of being told. And there are going to be zoom calls set up with the Players Association next Monday to Wednesday for players to ask any more information if they’re still unsure what to do here in the aftermath of that suspension.”

Amber: “I’m sure a lot of players were a little confused when they saw the information there.

And meanwhile, flashback 2022 trade deadline, Vegas tries to the trade (Evegenii) Dadonov, always get that off, to Anaheim. It was overruled. Why is that still relevant today?”

Friedman: “Well, Vegas did try to trade in there and as you mentioned, it was shot down and one of the reasons was because Dadonov had Anaheim on his no-trade list.

Now, Vegas wasn’t aware of that. When they acquired him from the Ottawa Senators, they were told that Dadonov had not submitted his trade request in on time. So if Vegas wanted to move him, they could do whatever they needed to do.

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That wasn’t the case, he had submitted it and the reason it’s relevant now is because sometime, I think in the next few days, the NHL is going to announce some sort of punishment to the Senators for that situation. And I think we’re going to get a clearer explanation of what occurred and why Vegas wasn’t at fault.


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